Friday, September 10, 2010

Medicine and Technology/Fire and Water

Medicine and technology have been the savers and killers of many human on this earth. I look at medicine and technology as fire or water. Fire and water are both things you need in your both fire and water can kill you. And this is how I see medicine and technology, it’s are second life as Shapiro says….but it can also kill you. As creative beings we found ways to manipulate the natural environment and create all these problems, and then we create new technology to fix the old problems. While technology is often defined in terms of machines, its linguistic origins, meaning the expression of a craft, suggest its use to refer to anything people develop to manipulate the natural environment.p46. The video of the women being taped from day 1 of receiving AIDS medication to day 90, really shows the effects of good medication. But what happens to the people around that women who cannot get the same treatment, do they die ? Medicine came to be authority over ill and healthy bodies, logic-based legal institutions over crime and punishments, and biology, chemistry, and physics over the natural world.p49. Things like the common cold have no cue, but the medicine world has all types of pills and drugs that a person can take to get rid of the common cold.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you asked the question: "How about the women around them?" The media tends to focus on one victim to represent an entire community, the sad thing is that most of the times they reflect the community very accurately. We still do nothing. How long will it take us to realize that we are part of the problem! bell hooks makes a great point when she says we need to stop talking about Racism, because it makes whiteness the subject, how do we explain the AIDS epidemic in Western Africa? Racism? She coins the term "white-supremacist-capitalism" as she see all three as intersections.
