Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fact sheet

Fact Sheet
The Digital Divide” by Andy Carvin

  • Only 6.6 percent of people with an elementary school education or less use the Internet.

  • In rural areas, those with college degrees are 11 times more likely to have a home computer and 26 times more likely to have home Internet access than those with an elementary school education.

  • People with college degrees or higher are 10 times more likely to have Internet access at work as persons with only some high school education.
  • Over 50 percent of classrooms now have Internet access.

·         The Internet may feel like a diverse place, but when compared with the wealth of diversity and knowledge amongst humanity in the real world, it’s still pretty weak  


Friday, October 15, 2010


In my post I find myself writing about things I don’t understand. I write about problems or similar problems I face, in comparison to the author. If changed has happened within my blog post I would say it’s due to my level of understanding. Dr. Ryan’s post about the “its gets better” campaign was great. I do not know if it’s because I know who she is so it was easier for me to understand, or what. But I found myself, after each paragraph I read I had something to say, or there was so many parts that I liked and I just enjoyed reading it. What surprised me was that idea of me having a blog. I’m still not into blogging as most people are; I find it hard to display my deep educational thinking and having the cybeworld as my audience. Most of my post are worthy of revisiting .

Friday, October 8, 2010

It Gets Better

“Dan Savage is well known for his biphobia, his transphobia, his fatphobia and his sexism/misogyny”. From this line alone I can see where this blog post is going. Dan Savage is the tokenized white gay man, who tells white America that things get better, and they believe him and say “TO ALL PEOPLE WHO IDETIFY AS GAY LOOK AT DAN SAVAGE HE DID IT…AND SO CAN YOU “! Dan Savage is the ideal white American man who pulls himself by the boot strap and over comes every obstacle society throws at him. But we know as a fact things don’t always work out that way. “It is not surprising to me in the least that he has become a media darling because he is a white, gender-normative gay man, and because he says lots of offensive things in the name of dominant ideologies”. And I honestly feel like once white America finds someone within a minority group that opposes all dominant ideologies, and agrees with the norms, and or has a miracle story of how they made it out of the ghettos,  they get full coverage. White America always wants people within minority groups to feel as if what they’re going through is not that bad.

“Many of us do not just have ONE strike against us and do not have economic security to fall back upon, or white, able-bodied privilege”. I am Black, I am a woman, I am fat, and I am in the working poor population, just to name a few strikes society has placed on me. And the 1st three strikes are not something I can hide, nor do I try to hide. Dan Savage forgets about everybody else and just thinks of himself and his privileges as a wealth white gay Christian family background. What about the LGBTQ++ community as a whole including people of color, what about issues around classism, fatphobia….. “Every single day, I face transphobia in this society.  And fatphobia.  And classism.  Every single day.  It is nightmarish.  In many ways, it has gotten worse.  In other ways, it has stayed the same.  In very, very few ways, has it gotten better.  And I know for lots of other people who deal with multiple identities and multiple oppressions, it has not gotten better”.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Princeton Review

#3 Little Race/ Class Interaction
This is from the TNH and these are comments that just made me think wooooooooooooooooooooooow.............

 i am really always lost when white people say they need or they should have a white student union....like omg for what ??? like why in the world would you white people at UNH need/want a white student union.....the whole damn school is white, thats your union right there.......and whats even more crazy is how some white people expect us to co-exist on a campus like this and we do as minortiys, but as soon as the tables turn....they cant do it.....you ask why not go to a BSU meeting and see what it is like ??? and 9 out of 10 it will be like......i dont want to be the only one, they might jugde me, or something crazy. like i really just dont get it, we as the minortys do this school shit everyday and your telling me you cant come to a BSU meeting for one hour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol people drive me crazy............

"I feel it is necessary for ethnic minorities to have a sense of community and a place where they can talk about like issues that they face as ethnic minorities on campus, but in the same regard they should make an effort to do events that everyone is invited to," Austin Dobson, a senior political science and history major, said.
Dobson is a white student, and like most of the campus majority, was under the false impression that organizations like BSU had race-exclusive events. 

Dobson said he supports organizations and clubs for all students of minority, but the BSU name alone makes a distinction. He said that white students do not have things that appear inclusive to their race, like a White Student Union. 

Shae Callahan is a senior sociology major at UNH. Callahan and all white students are excluded from Connect, a before-school orientation for minority students that provides them comfort with the campus and a new group of friends. Callahan said that a program like Connect sounds like a great opportunity, but at the same time, it places minority students together and allows them to make friends with each other before they meet white students. 

Callahan, like most white students, has never gone to a BSU, Mosaico or one of the other Diversity Support Coalition meetings. As a senior, she said it would now feel forced if she went to a meeting. She feels like they would wonder what her motives would be. She has not been the minority during her four years at UNH, and she said she is oblivious and ignorant to what students of color have to go through every day. However, Callahan realized that maybe the reason why she has never gone to a BSU meeting is because the roles would be reversed.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Race, No Gender, No Age, No Infirmities, Only Minds.....Utopia? No, Internet.......

The main argument of this reading is technology ability to perform exotic otherness. At the tips of are finger we can visit country's, rain forests, fantasy/sci-fi worlds, were only minds exist. Technology tells us the real world is small, to many boundaries, and it's toooo slow....and within seconds sometime even half of a second you as the view can have the "internet world" in your hands.    
One thing I'm still having trouble understanding is the hidden messages on how race comes to play in theses images, seeing that i cant not see them due to the darkness of the coping machine.(lol).  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

U Day and Porn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok soooo that was really cool that we were able to go to U Day and ask random people about porn. It was strange how no one really new about the man who got caught watching the child porn. The 1st person my group spoke to was a cop....he was all about a persons privacy and the right to watch it on your own time...not well in a public library...the cop said if he were in a public setting and was off duty he would remove him self from the problem. Other students pretty much said they didn't no about the porn guy, and they would report it, and it should be banned on public cluster on campus.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Medicine and Technology/Fire and Water

Medicine and technology have been the savers and killers of many human on this earth. I look at medicine and technology as fire or water. Fire and water are both things you need in your life......now both fire and water can kill you. And this is how I see medicine and technology, it’s are second life as Shapiro says….but it can also kill you. As creative beings we found ways to manipulate the natural environment and create all these problems, and then we create new technology to fix the old problems. While technology is often defined in terms of machines, its linguistic origins, meaning the expression of a craft, suggest its use to refer to anything people develop to manipulate the natural environment.p46. The video of the women being taped from day 1 of receiving AIDS medication to day 90, really shows the effects of good medication. But what happens to the people around that women who cannot get the same treatment, do they die ? Medicine came to be authority over ill and healthy bodies, logic-based legal institutions over crime and punishments, and biology, chemistry, and physics over the natural world.p49. Things like the common cold have no cue, but the medicine world has all types of pills and drugs that a person can take to get rid of the common cold.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The day i found out i was girl...............

Growing up i was surrounded by males figures, cousins, brothers, uncles, mother's boyfriends, and many more males. Seeing how my older brother interact with his friends and family and how cool he was...i wanted to be him....My older brother would go out side with no shirt...so would I.....he would pick on people younger then him....so would I. I thought I was his lil partner in crime. As i started to age i realized I could not be his lil partner in crime....my parents started to change....I could not play outside if it was dark, I had to watch and learn how to cook, had to learn how to sit like a lady....and many more lady lesson. During all this time my older brother was free....he could do everything and anything and no one would say anything......till one day I asked. My answer was simple.....your brother is a boy and you a girl........

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New to blogging

So today in class i'm learng how to blog. Its seem easy, but hard at the same time. I dont feel like i have much to say or that ppl would really want to follow me, but i'm willing to give it a chance.